Since example sentences

The amount of discount/loss on issue of debentures should normally not be written-off in the year of issue itself since the benefit of the debentures would accrue to the company till their redemption.Since we are dealing with all goods and services that are produced for the market, i.e. to be sold, the crucial factor enabling such sale is demand for such products backed by purchasing power.Since then Chile has held four presidential elections in which different political parties have participated.The FSO offered him tea and requested him to withdraw his application under the Right to Information, since his work had already been done.Since the primary function of accounting is to provide useful information for decision-making, it is a means to an end, with the end being the decision that is helped by the availability of accounting information.In percentage terms, the population of the Hindus, Jains and Christians has declined marginally since 196 The proportion of Muslim, Sikh and Buddhist population has increased slightly.20,000 became due for payment, Since April 08, has been declared a holiday under the Negotiable Instruments Act, therefore, April 08, will be the date of maturity for this bill.No entry is made in the books of accounts since no liability is created by such issue.Since the students may find this difficult to understand, it is necessary to explain to them through examples.Today is Thursday, and you ve done no work since Monday, when the work began.He and the Bolsheviks had opposed the war since 191 Now he felt it was time for soviets to take over power.Since a lot of accounting is done annually in an economy, many of these are expressed annually like annual profits or production.India is aiming at Self-sufficiency in Foodgrains since Independence.Since the mail order houses do not extend credit facilities to the customers, there are no chances of any bad debt on account of non payment of cash by the customers.Since then CO2 assimilation during photosynthesis was said to be of two main types: those plants in which the first product of CO2 fixation is a C3 acid (PGA), i.e., the C3 pathway, and those in which the first product was a C4 acid (OAA), i.e., the C4 pathway.

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